Learn About Your Medicare Options for 2025:
Medicare Insurance Carriers / Providers in San Diego
This section of our website will help you understand your options and see our recommendations for specific plans. Scroll down to navigate through the plans information and to see details on specific providers / carriers.

Are you ready to enroll in Medicare insurance? Start with a quote and our Medicare plan team will answer any questions you have to start your enrollment.

After Enrolling in Original Medicare You’ll Choose Supplement or Advantage Plans
Original Medicare should always be paired with Supplement Insurance or an Advantage Plan! View local San Diego Plans below.
To learn more about the differences between Supplement Insurance and Advantage Plans, take a look at our Medicare Eligibility and Enrollment page.
Or scroll to learn more about the San Diego Insurance Carriers offering Supplement Insurance and Advantage Plans. Here are our favorite carriers and plans.

Popular Medicare Plan Providers / Carriers in San Diego
Use these pages to explore your San Diego Supplement Insurance and Advantage Plans.
Blue Shield
Blue Shield offers Supplement Plans with “extra” benefits like SilverSneakers and hearing aids. Blue Shield is a nationally recognized insurance provider with a wonderful reputation.
SCAN Health Plan is a trusted provider of Medicare Advantage plans in San Diego, bringing decades of experience in delivering comprehensive healthcare solutions to seniors.
Anthem offers Advantage plans and Supplement Insurance with the well loved gym membership SilverSneakers. For those who qualify, Anthem still offers the popular but retired Plan F.
Kaiser's Medicare offering showcases the numerous facilities all throughout California. The Kaiser Medicare Advantage HMO offers access to Kaiser facilities and the participating providers.
UnitedHealthcare® offers Medicare services including Supplement Insurance and Advantage Plans with access to multiple San Diego doctor networks and hospitals. HealthyMarks Medicare has the ability to offer these plans
Sharp HealthCare is one of the major medical providers here in San Diego. Sharp has made it their focus to offer quality healthcare at an affordable price for the community of downtown San Diego.
Understanding Your Options for Both Providers and Carriers
You are going to be forced to make a lot of decisions during your first Medicare enrollment. Don’t let this list of options frustrate or confuse you. In fact, the San Diego Medicare options available to you are likely going to be the best insurance you’ve ever had.
Here are some Medicare Options you’ll need to decide upon:
- Will I enroll in an Advantage Plan or a Supplement Plan?
- Which insurance carrier will I select? Blue Shield or Humana?
- Will I select a different option for my Part D prescription drug carrier?
- Do I want to bundle dental and vision insurance with my new plan?
How Do I Choose a Medicare Provider?
Supplement Insurance and Medicare Advantage Plans are built to cover the gaps in your Original Medicare.
Original Medicare is a great program but alone will not cover all your healthcare costs. You’ll still pay for a lot of your medical bills out of your own pocket. Furthermore, neither Parts A nor B cover the costs for prescription drugs.
You’ll want to pair your Original Medicare with Medicare Supplement Insurance and a Part D Prescription Drug Plan, or a Medicare Advantage Plan which includes prescription drug coverage.

HealthyMarks is your best resource for enrolling in these plans, so don’t hesitate to call and ask for our help.
VIDEO: Our Advice for Calling Your Insurance Carriers
When you pick up the phone and get a live person from the health insurance carrier on the other line, there’s a good chance you can get something done, but have to ask the right questions. In this video, learn new tips to help you be successful on those tough conversations with health insurance support teams.
Tips for Calls with Insurance Carriers
Step 1 – Gather your paperwork – be prepared as soon as they pick up the phone and the other line. The support team needs your group number and subscriber IDs. The billing department might use a different group number then the customer service department. And remember, these carriers only have the info you sent them in during your enrollment.
Step 2 – Ask and understand the carriers’ process – a lot of times the person on the other line can only do a certain responsibility. It is your job to understand what the next step in the process is one fat person ask fulfill their responsibility. Listen and see if you can do some shortcuts. For example you could say, “I actually have the form filled out right now. Do you have an email? Could i email this to you now?
Step 3 – Follow up – if a carrier has something go wrong on their end they often will not inform you. Sometimes working with health insurance carriers feels more like whack a mole then flipping a switch. But do know that if you are persistent you will get the same people working on the problem and you will get it solved.
Step 4 – Make your broker do this for you. If this is with a group insurance policy your broker will know exactly how to solve these sorts of issues. And If your broker isn’t willing to do this for you I’d be happy to.
Insurance carriers pay brokers like us to help you enroll in your Medicare plans.
So you can enroll with a professional free of charge!