Most Patients Needs can be met via video visits

Kaiser Permanente analyzed 201,383 scheduled video visits. These visits involved 152,809 patients. The most important finding of this research… Kaiser found that 93 percent of patients who responded to the survey said the connected care encounter met their needs.

Tele-Health is finally making strides in California and Kaiser is leading the way. Kaiser has always focused on efficiency and it is no surprise they are the first to show the success of Tele-Health.

Kaiser Telehealth Data

Kaiser Telehealth Data

Visits in medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, after-hours care, and psychiatry accounted for 77% of all video visits; 2796 primary care providers conducted a video visit (median, 17 visits per primary care provider). More than 90% of patients with a video visit had accessed in-person health care in the previous year (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this letter at Among 81,549 adult primary care video visits, 70% were with the patient’s own primary care provider.